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Tag: Duneupdates

  • · Blog · 1 min read

    Changes in Dune 2000 Support

    Due to high demand I have decided to stop taking support tickets for Dune 2000: Gruntmods Edition. Unlike other offerings from GruntMods, there are simply to many support requests for me to answer alone in a timely manner.
    For that reason, support requests will now be directed toward the dune2k forums at . I will of course, still visit the forum and help out when availible, but this way you can also get help from other players without having to wait for me to be free and able to assist you. Although it may be less convenient to some, this move will allow me to focus on producing new content and supporting applications that do not have the luxury of a large install base like Dune 2000.

  • · Blog · 1 min read

    Contact Form Outage Resolved

    The issue that was occurring with the contact form has been resolved. The problem was preventing the form from working correctly. If you submitted a support request within the last 3 days and did not receive a confirmation email, please resubmit your request. Thank you again for your patience.

  • · Blog · 1 min read

    The poll is over!

    Results from the poll we held to determine the difficulty of Rise Of The Mercenaries mission 3 are in.

    Poll Results


    As you can see, the majority of the voters (a whopping 82%) decided they would like mission 3 to be harder then mission 2, with 26% of those total votes wanting the difficulty to be very hard. With these results, we can summarize that  most Dune players are looking for a challenge when they play the expansion. This data is very important and will be weighed heavily when balancing the difficulty in the final product.

    Thanks for the feedback everyone!

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