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Tag: Duneupdates

  • · Blog · 1 min read

    Update 1.6.2

    This update brings a new launcher with an improved newsfeed and update support.

    Changes include:

    • Updated Survival Mode mission 2
      • Mercenaries will no longer receive Deviators as part of reinforcements
      • Mercenary AI has been tweaked to build units more effectively, will no longer build engineers
      • Mercenary AI has been tweaked to prioritize attack targets more effectively, as well as defend more actively
    • Game launcher has been updated, news feed is now grabbed directly from the news blog
    • Removed several redundant files in game directory
    • Resolved an error where empty error boxes would appear
    • Updated Mission Launcher and Dune2000Config to support more missions and system configurations
    • Fixed an issue where the launcher would not perform new updates

    If you have version, you can download the update here.

  • · Blog · 2 min read


    After a long period of quiet I am pleased to announce the release of update! This is a major update with a large amount of fixes and new features, the most important one being the addition of windowed mode.

    Rise of the Mercenaries mission 3 is making good progress and I hope to release it soon. In the mean time, check out the new website for the mod,

    Full change log:

    • Improved Game Launcher, with added options for launching missions, support for the D2K+ toolkit and Rise Of The Mercenaries
    • Temporarily removed the build queues patch by MVI, it will be added back in a future release
    • Support for windowed display, as well as enhanced compatibility with Windows 8/8.1/10
    • Updated game documentation (latest documentation can always be found at
    • Improved uninstaller, will now thoroughly check for and terminate running processes related to the game
    • Updated D2K+ to include the new Mission Editor by Klofkac
    • Additional Music “Rise of the Harkonnen (Rock)” by Michael Sobin
    • Improved briefing text for Rise Of The Mercenaries
    • Added ingame briefings for Rise Of The Mercenaries
    • Added default music for each mission in Rise Of The Mercenaries and Survival Mode
    • Merged the multiplayer and single player mission folders to be stored in the original directory location(data\missions)
    • Menus are now properly centered on high resolutions
    • Added second survival mission, this time for House Harkonnen. It can be accessed through the new mission launcher

    Note: This update will clear your CnCNet and Dune 2000 configuration files. You will need to run the configuration program again to reconfigure your settings.

    If you have version, you can download the update here

  • · Blog · 2 min read

    New Update Coming Soon

    It’s been a long time since we last posted an update, so here is some long overdue news on game improvements.

    To start, work is being done to integrate the new menu system designed by FunkyFr3sh. Essentially, the new system is run from the launcher, allowing special modes like Survival and mods like Rise of the Mercenaries to be launched directly without having an in game menu. This saves a lot of time and provides a lot of customization options previously unavailable, such as the ability to specify which music is associated with each mission. It also allows us to clean up the game directory of useless menu files and focus on making the mod itself rather then game menus.

    Work is also being done on the launcher, allowing players to launch D2K+ directly from the application. New programs are also being added, such as Klofkac’s new Map Editor, which will allow for much easier and smoother map and mission creation.

    Finally, Mission 3 of Rise of The Mercenaries is being worked on, but it will be released after the next update to give me time to focus on the other changes. I realize its been a long time since the mission 2 release, so to make it up to you there will be a new Survival map and music track added to the game in the next update. I know you guys have been waiting for a long time and I’m only hoping mission 3 can live up to your expectations.

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