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Dune 2000 GruntMods Edition 1.6.5
It’s been a few months since we refreshed the site, and it’s time for the launcher to be updated as well. Here are the changes in the latest release:
Installer Changes
- Removed .net 3.5 installer in favor of using powershell with the following command:
Enable-WindowsOptionalFeature -Online -FeatureName NetFx3 -All
This should prevent windows from prompting for it to be installed when you try to launch the config program or D2K+ tools
- Added web installer for .Net 4.8 to the installation process as it is required for the Mission Launcher
- Fixed an issue with the files for the Tile Attribute Editor that caused them to not appear in the install folder
Launcher Changes
Replaced the game launcher with a new version, completly rewritten from scratch
- Uses Chromium to display the news feed, allowing for a much smoother and better looking experience
- No longer uses the registry in favor of searching sub-folders for game files, allowing you to move the install folder after you install the game
- No longer requires .net framework to be installed to operate (other programs such as the Mission Launcher still require this)
- Now supports larger screen sizes, and has full support for windows resizing
- Now properly supports 32 bit Windows 8.1 and later
- New menu added for D2K+ Toolkit, with support for adding your own tools to the D2K+ Folder
- The updater is now part of the main launcher and no longer a seperate application, which should make update checks faster and smoother
- User interface is now more modern, while still keeping the same general design
- Added link to the Dune 2000 Community Discord
Base Game Changes
- Moved all documentation to the \Documentation directory and removed confusing references to other installers and exe files that are not relevant as we already include them in the installation
- Removed additional files that are no longer used from the game directory
You can download the updated installer here, or download the update by using the game launcher for your existing version.