Category Archives: Dune Updates and Changelog

Dune 2000 GruntMods Edition News

We have a lot of new changes to go over! First off, we have optimized the website to load even faster then before, really taking advantage of the speed and power of the new server. Once again, I’d like to thank each of the donors, as their contribution continues to enable us to improve the site and servers.

The second change is the launch of the new CnCNet server from our New York server location. The old server will continue to operate for the time being, it will soon be rebooted and relaunched as the Montreal server to better help distinguish between the two server locations.

The final change is the addition of 3 new cutscene installers. Each installer will enable a new cutscene language to be used with the GruntMods Edition. In addition to English and French, we now offer German, Italian and Spanish. You can download these new installers here, and the next version of the game installer will have the option of downloading these as part of the install process.

Site News November 2016

At GruntMods we believe in transparency, which is why I like to actively communicate changes going on with the site and upcoming projects. There wasn’t much going on for awhile so I haven’t made a news post in a while.

First off, the site seems to be picking up a user base, with the amount of visitors steadily increasing. A good chunk of that is due to new traffic to our YGOPro download page, but Dune 2000: GruntMods Edition is as popular as ever. I am very happy that the site has risen in popularity and I remain committed to making sure it and its sister site d2kplus are running smoothly.

On that note, I’d like to announce that the site will be migrated to a new server to allow the old one to function as a dedicated download server. This will not only increase the amount of resources available to the site but will also allow the download speeds of all the files available to increase substantially. As always, I’d like to thank our donors as they really help make these things possible in ways ad revenue can’t do alone.

Everything seems to be working fine in initial testing so the site will cut over at 11pm EST. If you notice any issues with the site or any downloads, please let us know through the contact form or by commenting here.

Dune 2000: GruntMods Edition

Update is now available. Changes include:

  • Fixed an issue where users could not connect to CnCNet for updates
  • Updated the Mission Launcher
  • Updated the configuration program
  • Fixed an issue in Mercenary mission 1 that caused the game to crash from too many reinforcements (additional improvements were made)
  • Added Launcher briefing for mission 3 of Rise of The Mercenaries, the mission is still not complete and will not launch (coming soon)

IMPORTANT: This update will clear your CnCNet and Dune 2000 configuration files. You will need to run the configuration program again to reconfigure your settings.

You can download the update through the game launcher, or by clicking below.

[download id=”933″]

Dune 2000: GruntMods Edition 1.6.2 R3

Release 3 of the 1.6.2 installer is now available. This is a minor update to the installer that fixes some issues users were encountering when installing the game.

  • Fixed an issue with M1V1 that caused an error regarding too many reinforcements, causing the game to crash.
  • Fixed an issue in the installer that caused compatibility settings to not be overwritten with correct ones

You can also download the lite version of this installer, both downloads are available at the download page.

Server Upgrade

If you see this message it means our new server upgrade is complete. I’d like to thank our donors for supporting the site and making the long term hosting plan a viable option for us.
So here’s a shout out to each donor (in no specific order):

  • Dale Coakley
  • Ty Larsen
  • Sebastian Maywald
  • Ahmed Suliman
  • Thomas Kuchel

And to any other donors who have donated to us in the past.


We also updated the site for D2K+, check it out.

Windows 10 experimental fix, other site changes

A new version of the Dune 2000: GruntMods Edition installer has been added to the download page. This version includes a fix for issues some users are encountering with Windows 10. If this version fixes the problems you were facing, please contact us and let us know.

We are trialing a new download system that will accurately track how many downloads each file has, along with proper version re visioning. We have also disabled comments on download pages (News articles will still allow comments). Instead, we encourage the use of the contact form, or the forums at These are better suited methods of obtaining help and facilitating discussion. Ultimately, we hope this improves our communication with you and allows you a better overall experience.

D2K+ Site Redesign

I have decided to give the D2K+ site a new facelift. The main goal of this redesign was to make the site feel more modern and to make it easier to update and maintain.  Some goals of the new system that were implemented already include:

  • Automatic management of downloads
  • Streamlined mod submission
  • Streamlined contact form
  • Dynamic menus
  • Improved file and general site security
  • Search functionality
  • Standardization for post formatting
  • Better support for news articles
  • Improved download statistics

All of the above have been deployed and are currently working very well. Search functionality is particularly welcome, as it allows you to narrow down your search for content. For example, if I search for “Author: [aKa]FedaYkin”, I will get every mod with [aKa]FedaYkin mentioned in its description, which is very useful if I enjoyed his previous work and wanted to follow up on it. Mod submissions are also something I am glad to introduce, as it makes submitting new mods much more accessible, which in turn makes it more likely new content will be available on the site.

Some things that are not currently available, but I would like to add:

  • Support for video subscriptions (Youtube made an API change that broke the old sites code)
  • Online statistics via CnCNet
  • Better CSS for improved site design
  • Integration with the forum

The new site is currently being tested, you can visit it at the following URL:

The new site is still in development. With that in mind, it would be appreciated if you could report any issues you find with the new site at the contact page so that they can be fixed. The sooner issues are found and corrected the sooner we can switch to the new design. You can also feel free to let us know what you think about the new design, you input is greatly appreciated and is a great help in providing direction.


D2K+ Server Changes

MVI has announced that due to personal commitments, he will no longer be able to operate Upon hearing this, I offered to host and maintain the site. If you are reading this, it means we have successfully transitioned to the new server infrastructure. There may be a few hiccups for the first few days, but I plan on updating and modernizing D2K+ to make it better and more accessible than ever before! Keep your eyes peeled for news to come.

I’d like to thank MVI for his contribution and welcome him to return when he finds the time. In the 6 years we have been working together we had a lot of fun, I couldn’t ask for a better partner in running the site.

If you have never visited the site, feel free to check it out now:

Windows 10 Issues, Mac Download

We have received numerous reports of issues with the game running on Windows 10. We are currently working with the CnCNet team and are in the process of isolating the issue and designing a fix for it. In the meantime, you can revert back to Windows 8 or Windows 7 if you performed the update within a month by following this guide.

On another note, we are also getting requests for a Mac client. We had issues with the previous wrapper we were using and are working on a replacement package. A post will be made here when the Mac package is available again.

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