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  • · Blog · 1 min read


    This update is a minor update to the changes made in the previous update. Changes include:
    -Fixes for “Rise of the Mercenaries” expansion:
    -Fixed minor typo in campagin briefing
    -Minor adjustments to AI resources in m1v1
    -Adjusted Tech level so Ordos Palace can no longer be constructed (should be exclusive to House Ordos).
    -Adjustments made to strings file in preparation for “Survival Mode”
    -Added instruction manual written by Gruntmods Studios, completely written from scratch for this version of the game
    -Added preview of the new Custom Campagin Creation Tutorial that will be provided with the finished version of the Rise of the Mercenaries expansion.
    -Removed “Menu Editor” and “User Interface Table Editor” folders in D2K+, and added “Table Editor (UIB) folder” since the one tool now works on all UIB files.
    -Fixed version number displayed in menu to be accurate

    I have included both the regular update and the combined update below. If you have no idea which patch to install, choose the combined patch.
    Combined Update (includes all previous patches as well)
    Update (includes only new changes)

  • · Blog · 2 min read


    This update is a beta test for the latest update to Dune 2000 Gruntmods Edition. Changes include:
    -Fixed text.uib so that the string editor can read it properly
    -Fixed Desktop Shortcut
    -Removed “version” txt and XML files. Version is now tracked by registry key.
    -Added support for playing as subhouses with MVI’s Sub House fix
    -Added option to install .net framework 3.5 after main installer has finished, user will be prompted to download the package if they select yes (Windows 8 Users will not receive this option even if it is selected during installation).
    -Updated ReadMe File to differentiate between the Westwood ReadMe
    -Added option to install updated D2K+ components
    -Icons changed for installer and uninstaller
    -Updated design of patch program
    -Added Launcher
    -Will automatically launch the game as administrator
    -Shows the installed version of the game and the version available on the server
    -Allows you update to the latest version of the game with 1 click
    -Displays news related to the game and upcoming releases
    -Added the first mission of the expansion “Rise of the Mercenaries”, a thrilling campaign consisting of 3 missions told through the eyes of a mercenary commander.
    -Adds new menus to support additional missions, including custom mission briefings and an option to load the campaign from the house select screen.
    -Does not replace any existing files, making it 100% compatible with the original game
    -String file entries are unique and also do not replace any existing game data
    -Added button to select a difficulty when using the Mission Select, this will allow you to play a loaded mission on the difficulty of your choosing (default was Normal)

    This is also a test of the new patch system, so if you have an issue with it, please let me know. All feedback is appreciated. More information on Rise of the Mercenaries can be found here.

    I have included both the regular patch and the updated combined patch below. In order to ensure that users are installing the most up to date version, I have replaced the previous combined patch with the new one. If you have no idea which patch to install, choose the combined patch.
    Combined Patch (includes all previous patches as well)
    Patch (includes only new changes)

  • · Blog · 1 min read

    Combined Patch 1.6.1

    -Attempts to patch an existing installation of a previous version of Dune 2000: Gruntmods edition all the way to 1.6.1, regardless of current version
    -Downloading the new installer is recommended over installing the patch for older versions
    -Last version to not include patch notes inside of patch
    -Includes use of new auto-patch system, which can intelligently detect the location of your Dune 2000: Gruntmods Edition and update outdated files.
    Download Combined Patch 1.6.1

  • · Blog · 1 min read


    -Added the new D2k+ Campagin Map Editor (Alpha), which allows users to add buildings and units to existing maps
    -Added familiar icons for worm spawn, spice bloom, carryall and player start positions to Campagin Map Editor
    -Added an Ordos carryall to O4V2, which should help keep player economy high during early-mid game
    -Added additional Ordos starting units to O4V2, players now start with 2 siege tanks in their base, along with a small force in front of the smugglers north base
    -Added additional Smuggler and Harkonnen starting units to O4V2, starting units guard base locations, which fixes AI behavior and
    allows them to defend properly, as well as giving them a dedicated defensive force
    -Minor changes to Smuggler and Harkonnen bases in O4V2, northern Smuggler refinery is now completly walled in, small amount of wall
    added to bottom of Smuggler western base, Harkonnen barracks replaced with wind trap.
    -Changed the Smuggler gun turret outpost into a small Smuggler base in O4V2


  • · Blog · 1 min read


    -Switched from using patchmaker to a Winrar self extracting archive, allowing patches to be applied to any version of the game

    -Patches can be applied to regular versions of the game ( not from Gruntmods) but this is unsupported
    -Recreated the Ordos base in O4V2, as players were having difficulty beating the level
    -Added ability to revert to any patch released after 1.5.1 (this patch), simply use the installers repair feature and run the patch for the version you want to play
    -Found problem with the GruntMods Updater, will be fixed in a future patch
    -Added text file with version number so you can manually check if there is a new update

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